Our Commitment at Assumption

At Assumption, we aim to provide a nurturing and supportive learning environment for every student, fostering our children’s faith within a Gospel-inspired community. We believe that education is about more than just academics; it's about developing the whole person, encompassing their social, emotional, and spiritual growth. Through diligent stewardship, we ensure a caring, safe, and well-resourced learning community where every student can thrive.

Our educational ethos is built upon four fundamental pillars: Relationships, Growth, Collaboration, and Wellbeing. 

Learning is enhanced across our inclusive school community when we value the relationships of all members. Relationships are professional and supportive connections that allow all to be heard and valued. This requires the support of all to foster a sense of belonging and empathy.

Learning is a natural and lifelong process where our shared goal is to provide a nurturing and strengthening community where all can encounter, grow and flourish. This requires learners to be exposed to a learning environment that views building resilience and accepting failure as an inevitable and essential process of life.

Learning is enhanced when we work together to create and achieve common goals.  Collaboration is sharing our thoughts and ideas and designing learning in an inclusive environment where all community members benefit. We strive to work together to reflect and share our thoughts and ideas with others so they can be heard and celebrated. This requires positive relationships to enhance a sense of growth and wellbeing.

Learning is enhanced when our wellbeing is nurtured. Wellbeing relates to our emotional, physical, social and spiritual needs being fostered. We understand that internal and external factors impact wellbeing and we strive to care for all within our community.

We strongly believe in giving students opportunities to shape and have a voice in what affects them in our school. Our student leaders believe that your child should come to The Assumption School because:

  • Students are eager for a unique learning experience.
  • Our environment allows students to learn and develop essential life skills such as teamwork, independence, and social skills.
  • Our teachers make a conscious effort to welcome everyone, ensuring each student feels valued and included.
  • We offer different play areas encouraging various activities, promoting physical activity and social interaction.
  • Our classrooms are warm and welcoming, and students are supported to engage in extra-curricular activities that foster their personal interests and talents.

Our Catholic faith is at the heart of everything we do, and we believe that instilling strong catholic values in our students is fundamental to helping them grow into responsible and compassionate members of The Assumption community. We are proud of the supportive, inclusive community we've built, where every student can thrive academically, emotionally, and socially. We look forward to welcoming your family into The Assumption community.

Assumption First Nations Artwork 

The Assumption Catholic Primary School is on the land of the Wiradjuri people of the Wiradjuri Nation. We pay respects to this land and its people and to our Elders past and present. May we always walk gently on this land.

The Assumption School’s First Nation’s artwork was a collaboration between the Yr 6 cohort  of 2022 along with the guidance of Miss Taleise Pickavance, former Aboriginal Education Worker. 

Green and gold are the prominent colours used in this artwork; these are the colours that represent our school.

The central circle serves as a powerful symbol, representing the unity and gathering of our entire school community. 

The outer circles represent the different pathways of  Year 6 students as they embark on their final year of primary school and onto high school experiences. 

The semi circles encircling the gatherings are symbolic of the dedicated staff and students of our school. 

Each smaller circle in the artwork is expressing aspects of our students and families time at our school and each of the individual journeys as a student. 

This beautiful and meaningful artwork captures the spirit of our whole school community here at The Assumption School.
